How to make your cactus flower

The peak of flowering for gymnocalyciums and other cacti is near and it's summer. Here are some tips that would help you  get the most flowers from them!

1. Focus on their growth in general. Applying ample amount of balanced fertilizers like Osmocote/Nutricote is enough to help them grow.

2. Nip all flower buds for now. Focus all the nutrients for the the plant growth instead. The process of producing flowers takes up a lot of energy and will signal the plant to divert most of the plant energies to it resulting to a temporary delay for growth.

3. Give them all the necessary sunlight they need. Photosynthesis is used by plants to get their energy for growth, so lessen the amount of sunlight means slow growth for your plants.

4. Water them as needed, do not let them get dehydrated. Plants becomes stressed when they become dehydrated and it somehow distorts the usual growth process. Growth is the product of multiple cell divisions and in that process, water is needed. 

5. Give them trace elements (nutrients) as it is also essential for the plant's overall health which would also pave the way for a series of multiple flowers.

6. Most important of all, always keep your plants healthy. Illnesses resulting from insect infestation or fungal attact will definetly hinder the plants growth. All of the energy stored would just be put for the plant's recovery.

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