Astrophytum Flowers: FAQs; All you need to know about it

There are just so many things you haven't heard about them: Did you know that Astrophytums flowers are among the most beautiful things you could expect in a cacti? Are you also aware that astryophytum flowers have a sweet unique fragance that distinguishes it from the rest of the cacti genus? 

Like many cacti species, Astrophytum flowers also has the pistil and stamen.

They mostly produce flowers in summer as it's their breeding season although some continuously flower even during December (This happenes in tropical areas. But exclude areas having winter season when astrophytums are usually inactive).

Flowers normally starts off opening in the morning around 9am and reaches the full bloom by 2-3pm. Afterwards, it gradually starts closing and completes the cycle before the evening starts.

Flower gets really in the morning

Afternoon: Peak hours at 2-3:00pm

Some astrophytum plants, however, could keep the flower open even at night (special cases). Some collectors forcibly do this by inducing light artificially (using UV/grow lights). 


A. "When will my astrophytum flower?"

ANS. The plant will produce flowers if:

1. It is matured/reached certain age (mostly when they are big enough but some  Astrophytums could flower even at a small size)

2. If it receives the right amount of sunlight - the more, the better. Sunlight stimulates the plants to flower.

3. If it is fed with the proper nutrients  needed for flowering. Try giving it a boost of photasium and trace elements.

Induced extension of bloom at night for late pollination

B. "Can I still perform pollination even at night?"

ANS. Yes, you can. You just have to look for the pistil and have a batch of freshly harvested pollens during the afternoon. It's better if you cut several petals to expose the pistil.

C. "Can I pollinate my astrophytum to itself?"

ANS. No, because astrophytums are self-sterile. Meaning, you'll need another individual astrophytum. NOTE: you can't pollinate clones to each other because they have the same genetic make-up which makes one reject the pollens. This is from the principles of asexual reporduction.

D. "When is the best time to pollinate astrophytums?"

ANS: In the afternoon during the full bloom

E. "My astrophytum flowers but no partners, what should I do?"

ANS: Collect the pollens (dry container; paper can be used; best if with decicant) and keep it refrigirated for future use. Expiration usually last for a week.

After successful pollination, the fruit will get rip after 2-3 weeks
