Cactus grafting in 4 EASY STEPS


Grafting cactus using has never been this easy because of these 4 secret easy steps that no one seems to share.  Today, we will reveal the 4 basic steps on how to graft cactus successfully. It's doable, easy to remember, and gives you more success rate. 

The four basic steps in any cactus grafting is what I call "C.A.P.S." which stands for: CUT, ALIGN, PRESSURE, SUCURE

1st step: CUT
Cut the bottom of the scion and the top of the rootstock.

2nd step: ALIGN
Locate the vascular ring or lines of the scion and the rootstock and align or overlap them when you merge the two. 

3rd step: PRESSURE
apply a bit of pressure by lightly pressing the scion and turning them a little. this is to get rid of any vacuum or pockets of air in the junction because they are one of the reasons for a failed graft

4th Step: SECURE
Secure the junction graft by using any materials that would help avoid the scion from falling off. Commonly used materials are Adhesive tapes and rubber bands. This also would assure the junction of the scion and rootstock would remain just in case there would be tissue shrinkage.

See the full video on youtube, it's a demo with results:


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